Your Jewish Home in Salem
Socialize & Celebrate
Current Events at TBS

Mitzvah Opportunities

Friday Night Onegs
Consider sponsoring in honor of a simcha or in memory of a loved one. Onegs are held after Shabbat services (except for the first Friday potluck), and after Shabbat Morning Services on the first and third Saturday each month.
Donate Supplies to TBS from our Amazon Wishlist
TBS now has a wishlist of basic supplies and wants that you can help us purchase. Click here to view the wishlist and check back often for updates. These items don’t need to be purchased on Amazon if you want to shop elsewhere. We appreciate all the ways that our members support our needs.
You can also make a donation toward higher cost items here.

Deposit Bottles for Baneinu Scholarships
This program raises funds specifically for Baneinu Scholarships. Pick up a pre-labeled blue bag from TBS and fill it with your clean cans and bottles for deposit redemption. You can either drop off the full bags at any Bottle Drop location or bring it to TBS.

Volunteer at Marion-Polk Food Share
Join us on the 2nd Thursday of the month to volunteer at the Marion Polk Food Share. Please Email Shelley Kaplan for details.

Legacy Giving
You may contribute to the future of Temple Beth Sholom and of the general Salem Jewish community by planning for a special kind of gift. You can help ensure the synagogue’s future by creating a trust while you are living or by including TBS in your will.

Jewish Free Loan of Oregon
The Jewish Federation of Greater Portland supports those in need through “life’s ups and downs,” with small interest-free loans. Ensuring the strength and vitality of our community now and into the future.