A havurah (derived from the word for friend, connection, company) is a group bound together by a common interest. It is a grassroots, non-hierarchical model of Jewish community. There are many, many Jewish communities in the US that function as havurot. Check out the National Havurah Committee for more.
Most often, though, a havurah is a group of individuals that are part of a Jewish community (e.g. TBS).
Havurot are a very important means by which friendships can develop within the greater community of TBS which is absolutely essential for the vitality of the community as a whole. Another way you can create friendships is by volunteering to serve on one of TBS’ committees. Please see your newsletter for a list of committees and the contact information.
Please note: these havurot are for TBS members only. However, if you are not a member and want to participate in one of these groups, please contact Rabbi Eli.

Secular Shmecular
Secular Shmecular meets every other Sunday at Panera to socialize and discuss topics of interest. The founders of SecShmec are secular Jews, i.e. Jews who do not identify as religious. That said, both religious and non-religious Jews participate regularly. Contact Pam McCollum 971.218.7023 or Laura Dawson 503-999-7074 for more information and to join the fun!

TBS Talks Israel
This havurah was formed to create a supportive space for discussing, learning about, and deepening our connection to the Jewish state. Currently, the group meets biweekly and there is a group chat too. Check the TBS calendar. Contact Rabbi Eli for more information.

Mah Jongg
Have you always wanted to learn how to play Mah Jongg? We gather monthly to play and keep this tradition alive in our community. If you are interested, please call or text Meredith Russell at 503-881-0770.

Writers' Havurah
Are you a writer or an aspiring writer that would like to workshop your compositions? Contact Darren Howard.

50+ Women's Havurah
This havurah is for women age 50 and older who would like to spend some time in community together. Any member should feel free to organize events or activities. In the past, we’ve had a women’s seder and Havdalah/game night. Our events do not need to be Jewish-themed, but could be anything of interest to members of the Havurah. Contact Meredy Goldberg Edelson to join.

Sewing Havurah
Come to share your expertise or learn a whole new skill. Contact Julie Sudduth Klinger for more information.

Teva Havurah — outdoors
This group is all about outdoor outings. Looking for leadership for this group. Contact the office if interested.

Poetry Havurah

This is TBS’ social justice committee: Chinuch (education), Gemilut hasadim (acts of kindness) and Tikkun Olam.
There are three subcommittees of ChaGaT:
1) Hunger and homelessness, Shelley Kaplan
2) Refugees and Immigration — Josie Silverman Mendez and Levi Herrera Lopez
3) Environmental Justice — open leadership position

Conversational Hebrew
This group is for primarily people with some conversational proficiency already – not for beginners. However, beginners are welcome and the structure of the meetings may include material for beginners. Contact Francine Shetterly.

Families and Friends Havurah
This group is primarily for families with children between the ages of 0-18 but anyone is welcome! Contact Rabbi Eli We try to meet once or twice per month for havdalah and/or Shabbat lunch. Join the FB group, email list, and Whatsapp group.

Hadassah Book Club
While not formally connected to TBS, we also have a Hadassah book group. Contact Robin Ellison.

Jew Foo (Jewish Food)

Ideas for new havurot?
Are you interested in forming a TBS Havurah that you don’t see here? Please contact Rabbi Eli .